Big Apple Buddy is a shopping platform built for international shoppers looking to buy goods from the USA. We have aggregated the the product catalogs from hundreds of USA stores so you can access millions of products with just one checkout. Delivery is available to over 100 countries worldwide.
You can now buy products from USA stores that do not ship internationally. How? Place an order on our website and we'll buy the items on your behalf and ship them to your international address.
Our platform features millions of tech, fashion, beauty, outdoors & fitness products from the USA. Can't find what you're looking for on our website? Get in touch and we'll personally source the item for you.
We're the only platform in the world that allows you to shop hundreds of USA stores with just one checkout. No need to place multiple orders on multiple sites. Shopping has never been easier!
Get access to exclusive products that are not available in your country. New brands and stores are added to our platform daily. You can rely on Big Apple Buddy to help you discover the latest products from the USA.
We understand that every purchase is unique which is why your order will be handled personally by a member of our team from start to finish. All enquiries will be answered within 24 hours, 7 days a week.
We value transparency as much as you do. We will always provide a breakdown of costs so you can see exactly how your order is calculated. No hidden fees – that's our promise!
Our platform features millions of tech, fashion, beauty, outdoors and fitness products from the USA. Discover and buy products that are not available in your country.
We know you're busy, so making your shopping experience quick and easy is our priority. Simply place your order and we'll take care of the rest. We'll purchase, check, consolidate and repack your items, prepare all customs documentation and have your items delivered safely to your international address.
Get USA products delivered to your international address in 3 easy steps!
Browse our website for the latest products from the U.S. Add items to the cart and place your order.
We'll buy your items from a reliable U.S. store and ship them safely to your international address.
Receive your product in as little as 2 business days. It's that easy!
If you want to buy something that is not on our website, please request a free quote below. Our team will get back to you within 24 hours.
Request A QuoteWhat is Big Apple Buddy?
Big Apple Buddy is a shopping concierge service based in New York City. Our service helps people around the world buy from U.S. online stores that do not ship internationally, require a U.S. credit card for payment or require a U.S. address for delivery.
How does your service work?
After we receive your order, our team will purchase your items from official and authorized retailers in the U.S. and ship them to your international location. We currently offer delivery to over 100 countries worldwide.
What can I buy?
We have aggregated product catalogs from hundreds of U.S. stores in the following categories: tech, fashion, beauty, outdoors, health and fitness. New stores and brands are updated daily.
Can you help me buy products that are not listed on your website?
Yes, we can! All you have to do is request a quote using the form above and our team will get back to you with a free quote within 24 hours.
How much does it cost to use your service?
The price will be made up of the product cost (passed through from the U.S store), shipping fee (passed through from FedEx/UPS) and our service fee (to assist you with the order). A breakdown of costs will be provided at checkout. Please note that our prices do not include customs charges/import taxes.
Why do you charge a service fee?
The service fee is what we charge to help you purchase your items from the USA and ship to your international location. This includes sourcing your item, inspecting your goods upon arrival at our facility, packing your items and preparing all necessary shipping and customs documentation.
Will I be charged customs charges or import taxes?
This depends on which country you are shipping to. If you would like an estimate of the potential customs charges/import taxes for your order, please feel free to contact us at
What payment methods are available?
We currently accept all major credit and debit cards (Amex, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Diner's Club), Wise payments and international wire transfers.